It may seem a bit confusing, but there are actually two official Earth Days. Both were established to bring awareness and action to the issues of conservation and preservation, but there is more to these two days than meets the eye. Here are a few fun facts about Earth Day.

- John McConnell chose the Spring Equinox as the perfect day to honor the Earth. The day is only one of two on the annual calendar (the other being the Fall Equinox) that night and day are perfectly and evenly distributed. This equilibrium “spoke” to McConnell about the harmony he was looking to achieve.
- Senator Gaylord Nelson, working simultaneously on establishing a similar observance, called McConnell to suggest a consolidation of efforts and resources into one date and one initaitve – McConnell declined.
- The Equinox Earth Day took place first, and gained the sanction of the United Nations- yet still has never enjoyed the popularity or acceptance that April 22nd
- Equinox Earth Day is considered to be more cerebral and more scientific in scope, citing natural ebs and flows; while April 22nd was established to encourage grassroot support of environmental legislation.
- Earth Day is often now Earth Week, with activities across the nation. Tree planting ceremonies have become quite popular; with Arbor Day falling just after Earth Day, many are consolidating those efforts.
- The first April 22 Earth Day is credited with providing the momentum needed for the establishment of the EPA, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Protection Act.
- Tucson has several annual festivals and parades that will allow you to celebrate Earth Day locally with your entire family.

Casas Adobes Flower Shop can help you to “green up” your home or office with oxygen-providing, air purifying plants and flowers this Earth Day. On April 10th you can attend the Tucson Earth Day Festival at Himmel Park. It’s spring! Let’s fill our lives with living beauty.