Both ZZ plants in pots
Here is an update on the ZZ plants (Zamioculcas) we were rooting back in the fall. We have now planted them in Terra Cotta pots in regular gardening soil. The one on the right has rooted and established itself very well. The one on the left doesn’t seem to have quite rooted as well yet. You can tell when you gently pull on the plant and it shifts easily. However it’s green and very healthy compared to the other.
You can try this little experiment at home with other types of house plants. Some popular plants that you can propagate at home starting with a water source are African Violets, Begonias, Pothos, Weeping Figs (Ficus) any Christmas Cactus (Zygocactus – seasonally available)

Healthy ZZ but not well established rooting in the soil

Rooted and Ready to shine!