St. Patrick’s Day is known for its Irish-themed celebrations, but the man behind the feast day was not an Irishman! Maewyn Succat was born in Great Britain, and legend says he came to faith after a harrowing experience being held captive by pirates. He went to seminary, became a Catholic priest and subsequently a missionary to Ireland. This makes it fitting that on St. Patrick’s Day – originally a feast day of the patron saint’s death – everyone can be considered Irish just for the day.
One of the most popular traditions on March 17th is the “wearing of the green” – so if you love this holiday and dress up in your verdant shades of green, how about dressing your home and office up as well? Casas Adobes Flower Shop has the unique green floral designs that will perfectly set the stage for the day.
Even though originally a religious observance, the day has taken on a “Mardi Gras” type feel, with parades, floats, green beer and pub crawls, and crazy green-themed costumes and accessories. Corned beef and cabbage is the meal of the day, should you want to be authentic. And if you choose not wear green, be warned – it is perfectly acceptable to “pinch” those who refuse to wear some article of clothing that exhibits the colorful spirit of the day.
St. Patrick’s Day made it to North American shores by way of Irish immigrants in the 1700s and 1800s. It was said that the first St. Patrick’s Day parade was held in New York in the 1760’s, but Boston natives claim they were host to the inaugural parade. Either way, to this day those two cities still boast the highest populations of people of Irish descent.
If you’d like to send a hearty “Slainte!” to your Irish friends, it is customary to raise a glass and drink to their health. If you can’t do that, call Casas Adobes Flower Shop. In Tucson and beyond, we have the most beautiful and unique green floral designs, plants and succulents to celebrate this very Irish day.